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Egyiptomi mamelukok s mongolok harca

  2010.01.21. 21:12

Egyiptomi mamelukok s mongolok harca




Mamluks s a mongolok - ttekints

by vele
Reuven Amitai-Preiss Reuven Amitai-Preiss

In this study, the origins and early course of the Mamluk-Ilkhanid war have been examined through narrative history interspersed with chapters of a monographic nature. Ebben a vizsglatban, a szrmazs s a korai sorn a Mamluk-Ilkhanid hbor vizsgltak t narratv trtnelem interspersed a fejezetek egy monogrfira jelleg. Having looked at the war in some detail, it is appropriate to conclude this study with an overview of the subject, keeping in mind two paramount questions: why did this war continue, and why were the Mamluks successful in stopping the Mongols? Miutn megnzte a hbor nhny rszlet, helynval, hogy megktik ezt a tanulmny ttekinti a tmval kapcsolatban, szem eltt tartva, kt kiemelked krdst: mirt ez a hbor folytatdik, s mirt voltak az Mamluks sikeres meglls a mongolok?

In recent studies, Professor JM Smith, Jr . A legutbbi tanulmnyok professzora JM Smith, Jr. and Dr. DO Morgan have offered fresh insights into the nature of the Mamluk-Mongol war. Dr. DO Morgan felajnlottk friss betekintst a termszet a Mamluk-mongol hbor. Professor Smith, in a wide-ranging article, analyzes the weaponry and tactics of both sides, and embarks on a technical discussion on the strengths and limitations of the Mongol and Mamluk horses. Smith professzor, a szles kr cikkben elemzi a fegyverek s a taktika mindkt oldalon, s belefog egy technikai jelleg vita az erssgei s korltai a mongol s Mamluk lovakat. In the first section of this chapter, his approach will be considered and elaborated upon. Az els szakaszban az e fejezet, a megkzeltst fogjk tekinteni, s kidolgozta az. In the second section, the question of the logistical problems encountered by the Mongols in Syria, as raised independently by Professor Smith and Dr. Morgan, will be examined. A msodik szakaszban az a krds, hogy a logisztikai problmk a mongolok Szriban, a felvetett fggetlenl Smith professzor s Dr. Morgan fogjk vizsglni. In the final section, I will suggest explanations for both the ongoing war and the Mamluk success in stopping the Mongols. Az utols szakasz, azt javasolja magyarzatokat egyarnt zajl hbor, s a siker Mamluk meglls a mongolok.

Csapatok s a taktika kpest

Professor Smith's discussion, the most detailed and systematic study of the subject yet attempted, can be summarized as follows: the Mongol army was a people's army, that is, all Mongol adult males were enlisted. Smith professzor a vita, a rszletes s rendszeres vizsglata trgyt mg ksrletet tettek, a kvetkezkppen foglalhat ssze: a mongol hadsereg a npek hadsereg, azaz minden mongol kifejlett hmeknl is besorozott. Since these soldiers, however, were not professionals, they had undergone a somewhat haphazard training. Mivel ezek a katonk, azonban nem szakemberek, hogy tesett egy kicsit rendszertelenl kpzs. The majority of Mongol troops were armed with mediocre, homemade weapons, and most carried only bows and arrows, along with axes and clubs. A legtbb mongol csapatok felfegyverkezve kzpszer, hzi fegyverek, s a legtbb sor csak j s nyilak, valamint a tengely s a klub. Because of this lack of weapons appropriate for hand-to-hand combat and their inferior training, the Mongols were hesitant to engage in frontal attacks, preferring instead to depend on their archery and mobility. Ennek hinya a fegyverek megfelel kzitusa lekzdsre s gyengbb a kpzs, a mongolok voltak ttova, hogy kezdjk meg a frontlis tmadst, jobban inkbb fgg az jszat s a mobilitst. In order to maintain this mobility, each Mongol troop would lead a string of mounts, small steppe horses, when they set out on campaign. Annak rdekben, hogy fenntartsuk ezt a mobilitst, az egyes mongol csapat vezet egy csom csatolsokat, kis steppe l, amikor meg a kampnyt. While on march, they could thus change mounts when necessary. Br a mrcius, akkor gy vltozsok rgztst, ha szksges. During the battle itself, the Mongols would remount at frequent intervals, and thus so maintain their famed mobility. A csatban maga a mongolok is remonda idkznknt, s gy gy fenntartani, hogy hres mobilitst. The small steppe horse, really a pony, would quickly tire, thus necessitating rapid changes of mounts. A kis steppe l, tnyleg egy pnit, majd gyorsan frad, gy szksgess vlik a gyors vltozsok rgztst. The tactics of the Mongols reflected their dependence on archery and mobility: A taktika a mongolok tkrztk a fggsg jszat s mobilits:

The Mongols ... A mongolok ... sent unit after unit galloping at the enemy as fast as could be with each man shooting one heavy arrow from as close as possible; each unit would then turn away and out of the path and line of fire of the next unit, which could follow almost on its heels. kldtt egysg utn az egysg galoppoz ellensg, amilyen gyorsan csak lehet minden ember egy forgats nehz arrow a lehet legkzelebb, minden egysg akkor fordulj el s ki az tvonalat s a sorban a tz a kvetkez egysg, amely majdnem kvetse a sarkra. Thus the enemy would be repeatedly pounded by the Mongols' best shots, delivered by a quick and confusing succession of attacking units, each concealing the next until the last moment. gy az ellensg lenne ismtelten dbrgtt a mongolok legjobb lvsek leadott egy gyors s zavaros egymst tmad egysgek, minden egyes rejt a kvetkez, amg az utols pillanatban. Each unit would charge, shoot, turn and gallop away, and then circle into position for another charge, in this way making several attacks... Minden egysg lenne dj, lõj, kapcsolja, s vgta el, majd krbe a helyre egy msik dj, gy a tbb tmadst ... The attacking units would then give place to fresh forces and retire to rest, rearm, and remount. A tmad egysgek is helyet ad majd, a friss erk s vonulnak a pihensre, hogy jra felfegyverez s ptl. [Previously, Smith wrote that a Mongol horse-archer could not fire more than one effective shot, as he charged his opponent; this arrow was let loose at a distance of about 30 meters.] [Korbban Smith azt rta, hogy a mongol lovas jsz sem tzet tbb mint egy hatsos lvs, mert az ellenfl terheli, ez volt arrow kienged a tvolsg krlbell 30 mter.]

The aim of such tactics, together with efforts at outflanking, was to wear down the enemy. A cl az ilyen taktikt egytt erfesztseket tkarol volt lekoptat az ellensget. If the Mongols faced cavalry, it was hoped that they could provoke a pursuit, with the Mongols shooting to the rear (the so-called Parthian shot) as they rode off. Ha a mongolok lovassggal szemben, azt remlte, hogy nem egy olyan trekvs, amely a mongolok forgats, hogy a hts (az gynevezett parthus lvs), mivel azok ellovagolt. This would lead to the exhaustion of the opponents' horses. Ez a kimerltsg az ellenfelek lovakat. At some point, the Mongols, either on fresh horses or reinforced by additional troops, would turn against their pursuers, dealing them a crushing blow or harassing them as they withdrew. Valamikor, a mongolok, vagy a friss lovakat s megerstett kiegszt csapatok, amitl ellen ldzõk foglalkoz ket risi csaps vagy zaklatja ket, mivel visszavonta. In general, the Mongols tried to avoid handto-hand combat, because of their lack of personal arms and armor. ltalnossgban elmondhat, hogy a mongolok prblta elkerlni handto oldali harc, mert hinyzik a szemlyes fegyver s pncl.

The Mamluk army was also based on mounted archers, but the equipment of its troops and its tactics were different. A Mamluk hadsereg is alapul szerelt jszok, hanem a berendezst a csapatok s a taktika volt klnbz. The Mamluk trooper was heavily armed with bow and arrow, sword, dagger, axe or mace, lance, shield and body armor. A kapitny volt Mamluk ersen felfegyverkezve j s nyl, kard, tr, balta s buzogny, lndzsa, pajzs, pncl s a test. His horse, a large Arabian steed, was fed primarily on fodder. A l, a nagy arab paripa volt, elssorban az etetett takarmny. However, due to the expense of maintaining a horse in a sedentary society, most Mamluks only had one mount. Mivel azonban a sajt kltsgre, hogy fenntartja a l a mozgsszegny trsadalom tbbsge Mamluks csak egy mount. The Mamluks were picked troops and thus on the whole were better raw material for soldiers than their Mongol counterparts, who were just average men. A Mamluks volt vlogatott csapatok, s gy az egsz jobb nyersanyagot a katonk, mint a mongol trsaik, akik csak az tlagos emberek. In addition, the Mamluks underwent thorough, long-term training. Ezen kvl a Mamluks al alapos, hossz tv kpzs. Of particular importance in their training was shooting while galloping, which was regularly practiced in the hippodromes. Klnsen fontos a kpzs forgats kzben galoppoz, amit rendszeresen gyakoroljk a hippodromes.

The battlefield tactics of the Mamluks also differed from those of the Mongols. A harctri taktika a Mamluks is eltr az mongolok. As they had only one mount, they could not compete with the mobility of the Mongols, each of whom had several horses at his disposal. Mivel mr csak egy mount, nem tudnak versenyezni a mobilits a mongolok, akik mindegyike tbb lovat, hogy lljon. Rather, they exploited their better-quality bows and arrows and their rigorous training. Inkbb csak kihasznljk a jobb minsg j s nyilak, valamint a szigor kpzsben. Mounted on standing horses, the Mamluks would let off a succession of deadly shots when the Mongols attacked. Csatlakoztatott ll l, a Mamluks azt hagyd ki egymst a hallos lvs, amikor a mongolok megtmadtk. "Unless the Mongols could use their greater mobility to outflank and surround the Mamluks, or superior numbers to wear them down, Mamluk archery would balance and overbalance the Mongols' horsepower." "Kivve, ha a mongolok is hasznljk a nagyobb mobilits s tkarol krl Mamluks, vagy kivl szmokat viselni ket, Mamluk jszat lenne egyensly s tbbletsly a mongolok" ler. Although Professor Smith does not explicitly say so, it would seem, according to this suggestion, that the Mamluks having repelled a Mongol assault, would then attack, bringing into play their heavier shock power. Br Smith professzor kifejezetten nem mondja, gy tnik, hogy ezt a javaslatot, hogy a Mamluks miutn vissza a mongol tmads, akkor tmads, amely szerint a nagyobb ts erejt.

There is much that is convincing in this model, the first systematic attempt to compare the fighting abilities and tactics of the Mamluks and Mongols. Sok, ami meggyz ebben a modellben, az els szisztematikus ksrlet sszehasonltani a harci kpessgek s a taktika az Mamluks s a mongolok. I would suggest, however, that it must be modified to some degree by additional evidence from sources of various provenance. n azonban azt sugallja, hogy meg kell mdostani, hogy bizonyos mrtkig tovbbi bizonytkok forrsai klnfle rendelkezik. First, the Mongols may have been better equipped than has been suggested. Elszr is, a mongolok mr jobban, mint azt korbban javasolta. While John of Plano Carpini and William of Rubruck describe poorly equipped regular troopers, having only bows, arrows and axes, their contemporary, Thomas of Spalato, writes that the Mongols carried helmets, swords and bows. Mg Jnos Plano Carpini s William Rubruck lerni a rosszul felszerelt regulris katonk, csak j, a nyilak s a tengelyek, a kortrs, Thomas a Spalato, azt rja, hogy a mongolok folytatott sisakok, kardok s j. Sibt ibn al-Jawzi reports that the Mongols used swords in their battles with the Khwarazm-shah Jalal al-Din. Sibt ibn al-Jawzi azt jelenti, hogy a mongolok hasznlt kard a csatt a Khwarazm-sah Jalal al-Din. Marco Polo, describing the situation later in the thirteenth century, states that the Mongols had sword and mace, and even shields. Marco Polo, amely lerja a helyzetet ksbb, a tizenharmadik szzadban, hogy a mongolok mr kard s virg, s mg pajzsok. In addition, it must be remembered that the Ilkhanids and their Mongol soldiers were no longer wandering about on the Eurasian steppes, but now had possession of an extensive empire encompassing major centers of urban civilization. Ezenkvl emlkeztetni kell arra, hogy a Ilkhanids s mongol katonk mr nem wandering about a eurzsiai sztyeppn, de most mr birtokban kiterjedt birodalom magba f kzpontja vrosi civilizci. This surely must have influenced the quality and variety of the arms that the Mongol soldier now carried. Ez biztosan kell befolysoltk a minsg s a klnfle fegyverek, hogy a mongol katona most sor. It would seem that the Ilkhans and their officials by then had enough skilled craftsmen at their disposal to produce some high-quality weapons and other accessories for the Mongols. gy tnik, hogy a Ilkhans s tisztviselk voltak, akkor elg kpzett mesteremberek ll rendelkezskre, hogy valami j minsg fegyverek s egyb kiegsztk a mongolok. [Marco Polo praises the craftsmen of Kirman for the implements of war which they manufactured, including swords, bows, quivers and "arms of every kind."] Certainly, throughout the empire there were armorers who had made weapons for the pre-Mongol armies. [Marco Polo mltatja a kzmvesek a Kirman a hbor, amely vgrehajtja azokat gyrtott, kztk a kard, j, tegezek s fegyverek minden fajtja. "] Termszetesen, az egsz birodalom volt armorers, aki a fegyvereket a pre-mongol seregek . This capacity would now be turned over for the use of the Mongols. Ez a kapacits most t pldul a mongolok. All of this was in addition to military stores that the Mongols seized whenever they conquered a new area. Mindennek az volt, hogy a katonai raktrak, hogy a mongolok amikor a lefoglalt meghdtotta egy j terleten. [Smith writes that the Mongols "also developed a 'military-industrial complex' to supply weapons," but possibly only in Ghazan's time.] It might also be mentioned in passing that the skills of the Mongol nomads themselves in producing weapons and other implements of war were perhaps underestimated in the previous discussion. [Smith rja, hogy a mongolok "is, a" katonai-ipari sszetett ", hogy a fegyvereket, de valsznleg csak Ghazan ideje.] Azt is meg kell emlteni, hogy az thalad kszsgek a mongol nomdok, akik fegyverek ellltsra s az egyb vgrehajt A hbor nem lehet albecslni a korbbi vitt. [Jagchid and Hyer wrote that "the Mongols were very adept at such work as blacksmithing and production of armor and weapons." [Jagchid s Hyer azt rta, hogy "a mongolok nagyon gyes az ilyen munka-s termelsi blacksmithing a pnclt s fegyvert." I might add that I was impressed during my own visits to nomads in Mongolia by the high quality of their metal and leatherwork, although - as far as I could tell - no weapons are being produced today.] Azt is hozzteszik, hogy n voltam ragadtatva a sajt ltogatsok nomdok Mongliban a j minsg, hogy a fm-s leatherwork, br - amennyire tudtam - nem fegyverek kerlnek el ma.]

The occupation of greater Iran may have had a second possible influence. A foglalkozs nagyobb Irn knytelen volt egy msik lehetsges befolyst. The Mongols could now supplement the diet of their horses with either grazing on cultivated fields or grains collected through taxes or expropriated in other ways. A mongolok most kiegsztik az trendet, hogy lovak vagy legeltetssel a megmvelt terleteken vagy szemek keresztl kisajttott az adk vagy egyb mdokon. This would lead to the strengthening of their horses. Ez az erstse a lovakat. While there is no explicit evidence that the Mongols adopted the larger horses found in the areas under their control, there is information that they had shown an interest in both the horses used by local nomads [In 658/1260, the Mongols seized horses from the bedouin in Trans-Jordan; in 668/1269, the Mongols raided north Syria, looting the livestock of the bedouin in the area.] and those ridden by the Armenians. Amg nincs egyrtelm bizonytk arra, hogy a mongolok elfogadta a nagyobb lovak megtallhatk a sajt ellenrzse alatt ll terletekre, van informci, hogy mutattak rdekldst a lovak ltal alkalmazott helyi nomdok [A 658/1260, a mongolok lefoglalt lovak a Bedouin transzdiszciplinris Jordan, a 668/1269, a mongolok hzkutatst Szria szaki, fosztogatsra az llatllomny a Bedouin tern.] s az elnyomott az rmnyek. [The Mongols constantly seized the horses of the Armenians.] In short, the Mongols of the Ilkhanid state may well have ridden on smaller horses and been less equipped for receiving and delivering frontal assaults than their Mamluk enemies, but perhaps the difference was not as great as suggested above. [A mongolok folyamatosan lefoglalta a lovak az rmnyek.] Rviden, a mongolok az Ilkhanid llapota alapjn is elnyomott a kisebb lovak s kevsb felszerelt fogadsra s nyilvntott frontlis tmadsokat, mint a Mamluk ellensget, de taln ez a klnbsg nem nagy a fent javasolt.

The Mamluk troops were not quite the supermen they have been portrayed as. A Mamluk csapatok nem voltak teljesen supermen ezeket a szolgltatsokat. Certainly they were not all cut from the same cloth. Termszetesen ezek nem minden kivgott ugyanolyan ruht. Only the royal mamluks were usually given the first-rate training of the Sultan's military schools. Csak a kirlyi mamluks voltak ltalban az els osztly kpzse a szultn katonai iskolkban. The amirs' mamluks had an inferior military education. A amirs "mamluks volt egy kisebb katonai oktats. In addition, during the early years of the Mamluk period, the period under discussion here, many of the troopers in the amirs' units were not even mamluks, but rather free horsemen. Tovbb, a korai vekben a Mamluk idszakban az idszakban a vita itt, sok a katona az amirs "egysgek sem mamluks, hanem szabad lovasok. These could have been Kurds, refugee Muslim military personnel (including mamluks), and Mongol wafidiyya. Ezek lettek volna a kurdok, meneklt muzulmn katonai szemlyzet (belertve a mamluks), s mongol wafidiyya. The halqa, then an important part of the Mamluk army, was mainly composed of these non-mamluk elements . A halqa, akkor egy fontos rsze a Mamluk hadsereg volt, amely fleg a nem mamluk elemek. Some of the halqa was actually quite similar to the Mongols in ethnic origin and military techniques. Nhny a halqa valjban nagyon hasonlt a mongolok az etnikai szrmazsra s a katonai technikk.

Care should even be taken with regard to the royal mamluks, those mamluks bought and raised by the Sultan . gyelni kell mg tenni a tekintetben, hogy a kirlyi mamluks, ezek mamluks vsrolt s felvetette a szultn. [The royal mamluks (al-mamalik al-sultaniyya) were composed of the sultan's personal mamluks, those of former sultans, and mamluks of deceased or declasse amirs.] At the battle of 'Ayn Jalut, Qutuz had been Sultan less than a year, certainly an inadequate period in which to build a large unit of personal mamluks. [A kirlyi mamluks (az al-mamalik al-sultaniyya) volt, melyet a szultn szemlyes mamluks, az egykori sultans, s mamluks elhunyt vagy deklasszlt amirs.] A csata "Ayn Jalut, Qutuz volna Sultan kevesebb mint egy ve , termszetesen a nem megfelel id ll rendelkezsre ahhoz, hogy egy nagy egysg a szemlyes mamluks. In fact, the first decade of Mamluk rule (1250-60) had been characterized by instability, in-fighting and changes of rulers, hardly conducive to the orderly establishment of a strong corps of royal mamluks. St, az els vtizedben Mamluk szably (1250-60) volt jellemz az instabilits, a harcok s vltozsok az uralkodk, aligha kedvez a rendes ltrehozsa ers corps kirlyi mamluks. At the battle of Homs in 680/1281, the majority of Qalawun's personal mamluks were young and inexperienced, while the body of veteran royal mamluks - the Zahiriyya - had been weakened by Qalawun's purges. A csata Homs a 680/1281, a legtbb Qalawun szemlyes mamluks volt fiatal s tapasztalatlan, ugyanakkor a szervezet a vetern kirlyi mamluks - a Zahiriyya - mr meggyenglt Qalawun's bltsbl.
There is no doubt that with time the royal mamluks received thorough training in swordsmanship, horsemanship, lancework, and archery on the ground and from a galloping horse. Nem ktsges, hogy idvel a kirlyi mamluks kapott alapos kpzst kardforgats mvszete, lovagls mvszete, lancework, jszat, s a fldn, s a vgtat l. Having mastered horsemanship and the lance game, the young mamluks were sent to the hippodrome, where they received "cavalry training proper, ie coaching in teamwork. The mamluks did group exercises, learning how to enter, come out, turn right or left, advance or retreat together and to know, in any fight, their own place as well as that of their fellows." Miutn elsajttotta a lovagls mvszete s lance jtk, a fiatal mamluks kldtek a lversenyplya, ahol megkapta "lovas kpzs megfelel, azaz a coaching a csapatmunka. A mamluks tett csoportos torna, a tanuls, hogyan lehet belpni, gyere ki, jobbra vagy balra, elre vagy a visszavonulst, s tudom, hogy minden kzdelem, a sajt helye, valamint, hogy a bartaim. " It would seem that this training was of relatively small tactical units. gy tnik, hogy ez a kpzs volt, viszonylag kis taktikai egysgek. There was nothing to indicate that maneuvers of large-scale units in the field were undertaken, as with the Mongols during their hunts. Nem volt semmi sem jelzi, hogy manõvereket nagymret egysgek tern szletett, mint a mongolok sorn vadszik. [Both Baybars and Qalawun went hunting, but it would seem that these were small-scale affairs involving the sultan and his entourage.] [Mindkt Baybars s Qalawun ment a vadszat, de gy tnik, hogy ezek a kismret gyeit rint szultn s ksrett.]

It is worth dwelling on the Mamluk horses. rdemes laks a Mamluk lovakat. First, not all of their horses were of Arabian stock. Elszr is, nem minden az arab lovak voltak raktron. A major source of Mamluk mounts was Cyrenaica (al-barqa). Egyik f forrsa volt Mamluk rgztstl Cyrenaica (az al-barqa). These horses were very strong and were something between an Arabian horse and a pack-horse, with the latter's sturdy legs; they were thus well suited to rough terrain . Ezek a lovak nagyon ers, s valami kztt arab l s egy mlhs l, az utbbi masszv lbak ezek gy kivlan alkalmas arra, hogy durva terepre. Second, the Mongols were not alone in maintaining remounts. Msodszor, a mongolok nem voltak egyedl fenntartani remounts. The Mamluks also brought with them to battle reserve horses, the jana'ib (plural of janib). A Mamluks is hozta ket a csata tartalk lovak, a jana'ib (plural of janib). Al-'Umari states that the amirs brought with them jana'ib the number of which varied, depending on the wealth of each amir and the importance he attributed to this matter. Al-'Umari kimondja, hogy a amirs hozta ket jana'ib a szmot, amelynek vltozatos, attl fggen, a vagyon minden emr s annak fontossgt is tulajdonthat, hogy ebben a krdsben. It is unclear if the regular Mamluk troops, be they royal mamluks, or the mamluks of amirs and halqa troopers, had recourse to spare mounts, but it appears that their use was not as widespread as among the Mongols. Nem vilgos, ha a rendszeres Mamluk csapatok, akr kirlyi mamluks, vagy a mamluks a amirs s halqa katona volt, hogy tartalk rgztstl, de gy tnik, hogy hasznlatuk nem volt annyira elterjedt, mint a mongolok kztt.

On the basis of the above discussion, it can be suggested that the Mamluks and Mongols may have been more evenly matched than proposed by Professor Smith. Alapjn a fenti beszlgets, akkor azt javasolta, hogy a mongolok Mamluks s mr tbb mint egyenletesen egyezs ltal javasolt Smith professzor. While experienced royal mamluks may have had few equals among the Mongols (or any other army of the time) , such troops did not form the majority of the Mamluk army, much of which was composed of less thoroughly trained amirs' mamluks, along with various non-mamluk troops, including Mongol wafidiyya. Mg a tapasztalt kirlyi mamluks is volt nhny egyenl kztt a mongolok (vagy brmely ms, a hadsereg az id), az ilyen csapatok nem alkotjk a tbbsget a Mamluk hadsereg, amelynek nagy rsze volt, amely kevesebb, alaposan kikpzett amirs "mamluks, valamint a klnbz nem mamluk csapatok, belertve a mongol wafidiyya. On the other hand, after the consolidation of Ilkhanid rule the Mongol army was probably better equipped and perhaps better mounted than they had been when they came off the steppe. Msrszt, az egysges Ilkhanid szably a mongol hadsereg valsznleg jobban felszerelt, s taln jobban felszerelt, mint azok voltak, amikor jttem ki a steppe. Even assuming that the training of the average Mongol was less rigorous than that of his Mamluk counterpart, the Mongols enjoyed a clear advantage in the training of large-scale units. Mg ha felttelezzk is, hogy a kpzs az tlagos mongol kevsb volt szigor, mint az Mamluk partner, a mongolok egyrtelm elnyt lveztek a kpzsi nagymret egysg.

The Mamluks themselves do not seem to have been aware of any great advantage over their Mongol adversaries. A Mamluks is gy tnik, nem volt tudomsa olyan nagy elnnyel, a Mongol ellenfelek. The resources, time and energy which the Mamluks devoted to training and expanding their army, along with the strengthening of border fortresses and the development of the espionage system, show how seriously they considered Mongol military prowess. A pnzt, idt s energit, amelyet a Mamluks fordtani a kpzs s azok hadsereg, valamint a hatrellenrzs megerstse erdtmnyek valamint a kmkeds rendszer azt mutatjk, hogy mennyire komolyan mrlegelni mongol katonai vitzsg. The large-scale mobilizations of the Mamluk army at the slightest hint of a Mongol raid, let alone offensive, also indicate that the Mamluks did not disparage their enemy. A nagyszabs mobilizations a Mamluk hadsereg a legkisebb hint egy mongol RAID, nemhogy srt, azt is jelzik, hogy a Mamluks nem lebecsl sajt ellensge.

A compelling piece of evidence regarding the Mamluk view of the Mongols is found in Ibn 'Abd al-Rahim's continuation of Ibn Wasil's chronicle. A ktelez darab bizonytk a Mamluk tekintettel a mongolok tallhat Ibn 'Abd al-Rahim az folytatst Ibn Wasil a krnika. The writer, a Mamluk official, accompanied Baybars's expedition to Rum in 675/ 1277, and recorded the following incident: when the Mamluk army left Ram, it camped near Harim to rest. Az r, a Mamluk hivatalos ksretben Baybars expedcijnak a Rum a 675 / 1277, s rgzteni kell a kvetkez esemnyt: ha a bal Mamluk hadsereg Ram, a tbort Harim kzelben pihenni. When 'Id al-Adha ("Sacrificial Feast") arrived, the Sultan forbad the beating of the "drums of good tidings" on the holiday. Amikor "Id al-Adha (ldozati nnep) rkezett, a szultn forbad a dobog a" dob a j hr "a sznet. When the amirs asked for an explanation. Amikor a amirs krt magyarzatot. He replied: Azt felelte:

How can I rejoice? Hogyan tudok rlni? I had believed that if 10,000 horsemen of my army were to meet 30,000 Mongols, I would defeat them. Azt hitte, hogy ha az n 10.000 lovas hadsereget kellett volna tallkozniuk 30000 mongolok, azt veresg ket. But I met 7000 [Mongols) with all my army. De tallkoztam 7000 [mongolok) a minden hadsereg. [The Mongols] aroused panic and [my] army lost heart. [A mongolok] felkeltette a pnik s a [My] hadsereg elvesztette a szvt. [The Mongols] defeated the [Muslim] Left. [A mongolok] legyzte a [muszlim] Bal. Without Allah's grace, they would have defeated us. Anlkl, Allah a trelmi id, akkor legyztt minket. If I met them, and they were equal to the [Muslims in size], or larger than they, then [the matter] would not have turned out well. Ha tallkoztam velk, s k is egyenlk az [muzulmnokkal size], vagy nagyobb, mint k, akkor [az gy] nem lett volna j.

There is nothing in this story that rings false; Ibn 'Abd al-Rahim. Nincs semmi ez a trtnet, hogy a gyrk false; Ibn 'Abd al-Rahim. was in a position to record this incident. volt abban a helyzetben, hogy ezt a rekordot esemny. Even if it is apocryphal, it may well reflect the Mamluk perception of their strength vis-a-vis the Mongols. Mg akkor is, ha ktes, akkor jl tkrzik a Mamluk rzkelik erejket szemben a mongolok. One thing is certain: a relatively small Mongol force (although apparently more than the number given here) had given the Mamluk army, which included a large corps of experienced Zahiri royal mamluks, a tough battle before they were defeated. Egy dolog biztos: a viszonylag kis mongol er (br gy tnik, mint a szm itt) adta a Mamluk hadsereg, kztk egy nagy testlet tapasztalt Zahiri kirlyi mamluks, kemny csata, mieltt a veresget. This last fact, more than anything else, should call into question the idea that on a man-to-man basis the Mamluk army was inherently vastly superior to its Mongol counterpart. Ez utbbi tny, tbb, mint brmi mst, hogy ktsgbe vonja azt az elkpzelst, hogy egy frfi a frfival alapjn a Mamluk hadsereg eleve jelentsen fellmlja a Mongol ellenttelezssel.

I am in general agreement with Professor Smith's discussion of Mongol and Mamluk tactics, although this can be perhaps refined by specific information in the Mamluk sources. n ltalban egyetrt professzor Smith vita mongol s Mamluk taktika, br ez lehet akr finomtott konkrt informcit a Mamluk forrsokbl. I must admit, however, that a number of questions present themselves for which clear-cut answers -have yet to be found. Be kell vallanom azonban, hogy szmos krdst fel, amelyek vilgos vlaszt-mg meg kell tallni. It is true that Marco Polo describes how the horses of the Mongols "are trained so perfectly that they will double hither and thither, just like a dog would do ." Az igaz, hogy a Marco Polo lerja, hogy a lovak a mongolok "kpzett gy tkletes, hogy ktszer ide-oda, mint egy kutya lenne." Yet it is difficult to imagine Mongol troops riding forth towards the Mamluks and letting loose a volley at a short distance (ca. 30 meters), then wheeling round and galloping back. Mgis nehz elkpzelni, mongol csapatok lovaglkorbcsok oda fel Mamluks, brbeadsa laza egy volley egy rvid tvolsg (kb. 30 mter), majd kerekezs kerek s vgtat vissza. All of this while the Mamluks, perched on their horses, were letting off shot after shot. Mind e kzben a Mamluks, perched a l, le is hagyta lvs utn lvs. It is also unclear what happens next. Az is vilgos, hogy mi trtnik ezutn. Did the Mongols then ride past the side of the next unit coming up to launch an attack? Taln a mongolok majd menethelyzet mlt mellett a kvetkez egysg jn, hogy indtson tmadst? Or did the new unit open up and let the previous force pass through it? Vagy hogy az j egysg megnyitst, s hagyja, hogy a korbbi hatlyos t rajta? It is clear that the succeeding unit could not launch its attack until the preceding one was well out of the way. Ktsgtelen, hogy az egysg nem sikerl elindtani a tmadst, amg a megelz egy jl el az tbl. Finally, the idea that the Mongol troopers would then go to replace their mounts is hard to picture. Vgl, az tletet, hogy a mongol katona lenne majd, hogy a rgztstl nehz kpet. In the tumult of the battle, they would have to search out their mounts (were they with grooms, other soldiers?), certainly a far from simple task given the general confusion that accompanies any battle. A zrzavar a csatban, akkor a keress ki rgztstl (ezek a grooms, a tbbi katona?), Termszetesen sokkal egyszer feladat biztostani, hogy az ltalnos zavar ksri minden csatt.

As will be seen, there is some evidence that the Mongols did attack in waves, but it would seem this was not executed as easily as has been suggested. Mint ltni fogjuk, van nmi bizonytk arra, hogy a mongolok nem tmadsi hullmokban, de gy tnik, ez nem volt knny vgrehajtani, mint ahogy azt javasolta. In addition, it appears that this was not the only tactic adopted by the Mongols. Radsul gy tnik, hogy nem ez volt az egyetlen taktika elfogadta a mongolok. A fourteenth-century Mamluk military manual describes the Mongol attack thus: A tizennegyedik szzadban Mamluk katonai kziknyv ismerteti a mongol tmads gy:

The Mongols [al-mughul] from among the Turks customarily form one squadron [kurdus], in order to push one another against the enemy [li-yatadafa'a 'ala al-'uduw], [in order] to prevent all of them from retreating and withdrawing. A mongolok [al-mughul] kzl a trkk szoks egyik szzadhoz [kurdus] annak rdekben, hogy lljon egymssal szemben ellensges [Li-yatadafa'a 'ala al-'uduw], [a], hogy megakadlyozza az sszes ket a visszavonul s visszavonsra.

This passage is problematic. Ezt a problmt. There is sufficient evidence that the Mongols actually did divide their armies into separate squadrons (atlab or karadis) in battle, as in the first and second battles of Homs as well as at Abulustayn (see below). Nincs elegend bizonytk arra, hogy a mongolok tnylegesen megosztottsg a seregeiket kln szzad (atlab vagy karadis) a harcban, mint az els s a msodik csatt az Homs valamint Abulustayn (lsd albb). But it is possible that on occasion at least, the Mongols adopted the tactic of a concerted, mass attack straight into the enemy formation (surely shooting as they went), eschewing the tactic of wave-after-wave of hit-and- run archery. De az is elfordulhat, hogy alkalmanknt legalbb a mongolok elfogadta a taktika egy sszehangolt, a tmeges tmads egyenesen az ellensg kpzdmny (biztosan forgats, mivel ment), a taktika eschewing hullm utn hullm a rajtatsszer jszat .

It has been suggested that the Mongols let off only one volley as they approached the Mamluk enemy, perhaps as close as 30 meters. Javasoltk, hogy a mongolok elst egyetlen volley ahogy kzeledett a Mamluk ellensg, taln legkzelebb 30 mter. Yet even the heavier type of Mongol arrow was effective to some degree at a longer distance, possibly to 150 yards. De mg a nehezebb tpus Mongol nyl hatkony volt, hogy bizonyos mrtkben mr a tvolsg, esetleg a 150 yard. In addition, as both The Secret History and Marco Polo report, the Mongols had lighter arrows. Radsul, mivel a titkos trtnete s a Marco Polo-jelents, a mongolok voltak knnyebbek nyilak. which could be used for shooting either longer distances or over the heads of forward ranks . amelyek felhasznlhatk forgats akr hosszabb tvokon vagy feje fltt elre soraiban. In the light of Plano Carpini's statement that when the Mongols attack, each one shoots "three or four arrows at their adversaries," it is possible to suggest that they let loose a volley or even volleys of these light arrows at a trajectory while still some distance away. Annak fnyben, Plano Carpini azon kijelentse, hogy ha a mongolok tmads egyes hajtsok "hrom vagy ngy nyllal azok ellenfelek," lehetsges, hogy azt sugalljk, hogy kienged egy zpor, vagy akr volleys ezeknek fny nyilak a rpplya, hogy mg nhny tvolsgra. As they were shooting at a large body, these volleys would appear to have had some effect. Mivel ezek lõni egy nagyobb, ezek a volleys gy tnik, hogy volt nmi hatsuk. They would certainly be disconcerting to those under attack, making it difficult for them to return fire. Azt biztosan lehangol, hogy ezen a tmadst, ami megnehezti szmukra, hogy visszatrjenek a tzet. In any case, the Mongol attackers would still have time to prepare for another volley, using heavier arrows at close quarters. Mindenesetre a mongol tmadk mg ideje felkszlni a msik volley, nehezebb nyilak segtsgvel kzvetlen kzelrl.

Archery was certainly critical for the Mongols but not sufficient for them to win. jszat volt kritikus a mongolok, de nem elgsges ahhoz, hogy nyersz. As RC Smail wrote of the Turks (apparently referring to both Mamluks and Turkmen): "The mobility and archery of the Turks alone were usually insufficient to give them victory. By such means they weakened the enemy, but his final defeat on the battlefield could be achieved only by the fight at close quarter with lance, sword, and club." Mint RC rta Smail a trkk (nyilvnvalan utal a Mamluks s a trkmn): "A mobilits s az jszat a trkk egyedl ltalban nem elegend, hogy nekik gyzelmet. Ilyen eszkzkkel meggyenglt az ellensg, de a vgs veresg is a csatatren lehet elrni, csak a harc kzel negyedt a lndzsa, kard, s a klub. " This applies mutatis mutandis to the Mongols. Ez rtelemszeren a mongolok. At some point, the Mongols would have had to throw themselves on the Mamluks armed with axes, maces and - as has been seen - swords. Valamikor, a mongolok volna dobja meg a Mamluks felfegyverkezve tengelyek, maces s - amint azt ltni - kard.

The Mamluks, of course, did more than wait on their horses for the Mongols to attack, responding only by shooting from their bows. A Mamluks, persze, nem tbb, mint vrni, hogy a lovak a mongolok a tmads, reagls csak lvldzs val j. The intensive practice which the Mamluks underwent in the hippodrome in shooting while at full gallop indicates that they were trained to launch a frontal attack at the right time, letting off arrows (whether or not in concert is another question) at their enemy. Az intenzv gyakorlat a Mamluks al a lversenyplya a forgats kzben teljes vgta azt jelzi, hogy kpzett, hogy indtson egy frontlis tmadst a megfelel idben, a brbeads le nyilak (akr tbb msik krds) az ellensget. Then, relying on their heavier horses, armor and weapons, they would bear down on the enemy line, hoping to drive them back. Aztn, a csupn a sajt nehezebb lovakat, pnclt, fegyvereket, ezek nem viselik meg az ellensges vonal, abban a remnyben, hogy vezessen vissza.

Thus it was in theory. gy elmletben volt. What were the actual tactics and fighting methods used by the armies in the four pitched battles on an open field examined in this study: 'Ayn Jalut (658/1260), the first battle of Homs (659/1260), Abulustayn (675/1277) and the second battle of Homs (680/1281) [The battle at the Euphrates in 671/1272 is not included, because of its unusual nature (the Mongols taking a position behind a palisade; the Mamluks attacking after fording the river).] Unfortunately, as has been seen, the sources are usually less than explicit about the actual fighting methods employed in the battles. Mi volt a taktika, s a tnyleges harci mdszerek a hadseregek a ngy csatkat hang nylt terleten vizsglta ezt a tanulmnyt: "Ayn Jalut (658/1260), az els csata Homs (659/1260), Abulustayn (675 / 1277) s a msodik csata Homs (680/1281) [A csatban az Eufrtesz a 671/1272 nem tartalmazza, mert a szokatlan (a mongolok a helyzetben, hogy a palnk mgtt, a Mamluks tmads utn tkel a foly) .] Sajnos, amint azt mr lttuk, a forrsok ltalban kevesebb informcit tartalmaz a tnyleges harci mdszerek a csatt. We find such expressions describing Mamluk attacks: "[Qutuz] himself and those with him launched a brave assault (hamla sadiqa)"; "they launched against them a concerted attack (hamalu 'alayhim hamlat rajul wahid)"; "the [Mamluk] armies in their entirety attacked together ( ... fa-hamalat al- 'asakir bi-rummatiha hamlat rajul wahid) ." Tallunk ilyen kifejezseket lerja Mamluk tmadsok: "[Qutuz] magt s a vele egytt indult egy btor tmads (hamla sadiqa)"; "indtott ellenk sszehangolt tmads (hamalu" alayhim hamlat rajul wahid) "a [Mamluk] hadseregek teljes egszben tmadtk egytt (... fa-hamalat al-"asakir bi-rummatiha hamlat rajul wahid)." For that matter, there is little mention of the use of bows and arrows by both sides, apparently because it was obvious to all authors that this was the way these armies fought. Ami azt illeti, kevs emltst hasznlata j s nyilak mindkt oldalon, nyilvnvalan azrt, mert nyilvnval volt, hogy mind a szerzk, hogy ez az a md, ahogyan ezeket a hadseregek harcoltak.

Information of a more exact nature, however, does exist: at the second battle of Homs and possibly at 'Ayn Jalut, it is recorded that the Mamluks launched a series of attacks until the Mongols were defeated. Informcis egy pontos termszete azonban nem ltezik: a msodik csata Homs, s esetleg a "Ayn Jalut, hogy regisztrljk, hogy a Mamluks sorozatot indtott tmadst, amg a mongolok voltak veresget. It is also important to note that in three of the four battles the Mongols opened up the fighting by attacking first. Azt is fontos megjegyezni, hogy hrom, a ngy csatkat a mongolok megnyitotta a harcok a tmad elszr. The exception was the first battle of Homs, which in any case was actually won by a Syrian Ayyubid army, albeit probably composed to a large degree of Ayyubid mamluks. A kivtel volt az els csata Homs, amely minden esetben tnylegesen megnyerte a szriai hadsereg Ayyubid, de taln ssze, hogy egy nagy mrtk Ayyubid mamluks.

Taking the above into consideration along with Professor Smith's research, the following general remarks on Mamluk tactics against the Mongols can be made: the Mamluks absorbed the initial Mongol attack, probably maintaining a steady fire of arrows as they approached . A fent emltettek figyelembe egytt Smith professzor kutats, a kvetkez ltalnos megjegyzseket Mamluk taktikt mongolok ellen lehet tenni: a Mamluks felszvdik az els mongol tmads, valsznleg fenntartsa lland tz nylzpor ahogy kzeledett. If the Mamluks held their position and repulsed the Mongols, they would then go over to the offensive, launching a concerted, all-out attack, the front rank (at least) shooting as they rode until they reached the enemy lines, where they would then bring into play maces, axes, swords and perhaps lances. Ha a Mamluks tartottk helyzetket s repulsed a mongolokat, akkor menj t a tmad, indt sszehangolt, minden-ki tmads, az els helyezs (legalbb) a forgats lovagoltak, amg el nem rte el az ellensges vonalakon, ahol nem majd jtkba maces, tengelyek, kardok s taln lndzsa. On occasion, it seems, the Mamluks employed repeated attacks, perhaps hit-and-run archery barrages (reminiscent of the Mongol tactics) in order to soften up the enemy. Elfordul, hogy gy tnik, a foglalkoztatottak Mamluks ismtelt tmadsok, taln cserbenhagysos jszat gtak (emlkeztet a mongol taktika) annak rdekben, hogy megpuhuljon az ellensget.

As for the Mongols, we have two pieces of information that might confirm Professor Smith's suggestion for standard battle procedure: first, at the first battle of Homs, the Mongols were organized in eight squadrons (atlab), one after another, as if they were ready to launch a series of successive attacks . A mongolok, van kt informcit, ami megersten Smith professzor ltal javasolt standard csata eljrs: elszr, az els csata Homs, a mongolok szerveztek nyolc szzad (atlab), az egyik a msik utn, mintha ksz indt az egymst tmadsokat. Second, during the second battle of Homs - according to Baybars al-Mansuri - when the Mongol Left attacked the Mamluk Right, "[The Mongols] were organized as squadrons (atlaban) in [the attack] and followed one another as groups (taradafu ahzaban)." Msodszor, a msodik csata Homs - a Baybars al-Mansuri - amikor a mongol baloldal tmadta Mamluk jobb, "[a mongolok] szerveztek a szzad (atlaban) a [a tmadst] s egy msik a csoportok (taradafu ahzaban). " Although this is not unequivocal (there is no mention of a rapid succession of squadrons letting off volleys of arrows and wheeling off to the rear), there is nothing that contradicts Professor Smith's thesis and this evidence could be seen to complement it. Br ez nem egyrtelm (nem beszlve egy gyors egymsutnban a szzadok hagyta ki volleys nylzpor s kerekezs ki a hts), nincs semmi, hogy az ellentmond professzor Smith disszertci, s ez a bizonytk lehet ltni, hogy kiegsztse azt.

At the battle of Abulustayn, however, things were different. A csata Abulustayn azonban a dolgok ms. There, the Mongols launched a frontal attack against the Mamluks, penetrating the enemy lines. Itt a mongolok frontlis tmadst indtott a Mamluks, bejut az ellensges vonalak. This may be an instance of the Mongol tactic of the concerted attack, described in the above-cited Mamluk military manual, although the Mongols were not organized here as one squadron, but at least initially were arranged as separate tactical units. Ez lehet pldul a mongol taktikja az sszehangolt tmads, le van rva a fent idzett Mamluk katonai kziknyv, br a mongolok nem voltak szervezett itt egy szzadot, de legalbbis kezdetben a rendszer kln taktikai egysgek. As for 'Ayn Jalut, we have no clear information beyond that the Mongols attacked first; for what it is worth, al-Maqrizi tells us that the two sides "slammed into each other (idtarabat)." Ami a "Ayn Jalut, nincs egyrtelm tjkoztatst azon tl, hogy a mongolok megtmadtk els, mert mi az rtke, az al-Maqrizi elmondja, hogy a kt oldal" becsapta az egymst (idtarabat). "

Taken altogether, I would offer the following model for Mongol behavior on the battlefield. Figyelembe teljesen, akkor felajnlja az albbi modell Mongol viselkedst a csatamezn. The Mongols sought to attack first. A mongolok kvnta tmads els. As the forward squadrons drew close, they let off as many arrows as possible. Mivel az elre szzad felhvta kzelben, akkor hagyd ki a sok nyilak, amennyire csak lehetsges. The Mongols were prepared to launch successive waves of archers, but if they caught the Mamluks in a state of relative disorganization, as at Abulustayn, then they plunged straight into the Mamluk lines. A mongolok voltak kszlve, hogy indtsanak egymst kvet hullmai jsz, de ha elkapta a Mamluks az llam viszonylagos sztzlleszts, mint Abulustayn, akkor merlt egyenesen a Mamluk sorokat.

At both Abulustayn and the second battle of Homs, the Mongols dismounted when the battle began to go against them. Mindkt Abulustayn s a msodik csata Homs, a mongolok leszllt, amikor a csatban kezdett el velk szemben. This tactic was not an innovation from the war with the Mamluks: the Mongols had dismounted in their battles with the Khwrazm-shah Jalal al-Din. Ez a taktika nem volt innovci, a hbor a Mamluks: a mongolok mr leszllt a csatt a Khwrazm-sah Jalal al-Din. The Mongols may have dismounted because their horses were exhausted, although it is more likely that this was a more effective defensive maneuver: the Mongol troops could let off more accurately aimed arrows when standing than on horseback. A mongolok is leszllt, mert a lovak kimerltek, de nagyobb a valsznsge, hogy ez egy hatkony vdekez manver: a mongol csapatok is elenged pontosabban clozza nyilak, amikor llva, mint lhton. In the case of Abulustayn at least, the Mongols realized that the battle was lost, and in effect declared their willingness to fight to the end by dismounting. Abban az esetben, Abulustayn legalbb a mongolok felismertk, hogy a csata elveszett, s a hats kinyilvntotta hajlandsgt, hogy a harc vgn dismounting. [At the battle of Wadi al-Khaznadar (699/1299), the Mongol army was caught unprepared by the Mamluk attack, and a part received the Mamluk assault dismounted, taking cover behind their horses.] There are no examples of the Mamluks dismounting during battle. [A csatban a Wadi Al-Khaznadar (699/1299), a mongol hadsereg felkszletlenl fogott a Mamluk tmadst, s egy rszt kapta meg a Mamluk tmads leszllt, s kiterjed a l mgtt.] Nincs plda a Mamluks dismounting a csatt. At their one defeat at Wadi al-Khaznadar in 699/1299, the Mamluks, rather than fight to the death, for all their "professionalism" fled the battlefield in complete disarray. Az, hogy egy veresg a Wadi Al-Khaznadar a 699/1299, a Mamluks, ahelyett, hogy harcolni kell a hall, az sszes "szakmaisg" elmeneklt a csatatren teljesen sszezavar.

In the above discussion it has been suggested that in the long run, the Ilkhanid army may have been influenced by its control of a large, rich and settled country such as Iran, primarily in the size of the horses and the quality and type of weapons (and perhaps armor). A fenti vita azt javasolta, hogy hossz tvon a hadsereg Ilkhanid is befolysolta, hogy ellenrzst gyakorol a nagy, gazdag s lland orszgban, mint pldul Irn, elssorban a mrete a l s a minsg s a tpus fegyverek (s taln a pncl). It is difficult, however, to determine the rate and extent of this change, and how much of it occurred as a result of deliberate policy on the part of the Ilkhans and the senior officers. Nehz azonban meghatrozni a sebessge s mrtke ez a vltozs, s mennyi is elfordult kvetkeztben tudatos politika rsze az Ilkhans, s a magas rang tisztviselket. In a recent article, Professor AP Martinez has suggested a thought-provoking thesis that, in fact, the Ilkhans themselves initiated a transition from light cavalry to heavy cavalry, and that this transformation began quite early on and reached its height in the reign of Ghazan. Egy nemrgiben cikket professzor AP Martinez azt javasolta a gondolatbreszt tzis, hogy valjban a Ilkhans maguk kezdemnyezte tmenet knny lovassg nehz lovassg, s hogy ez az talakuls meglehetsen korn kezdett, s eljutott a magassga uralkodsa Ghazan . This innovation in the military sphere was connected to the terrain over which the Mongols now had to fight and the nature of their main enemies, the Mamluks, as well as to the changes in the Mongol society of the Ilkhanid state. Ez az jts a katonai terlet volt csatlakoztatva a terep felett, amely a mongolok volt felvenni a harcot, s a termszet a f ellensgei, a Mamluks, valamint a vltozsokat a mongol trsadalom a Ilkhanid llamban. These are major subjects which transcend the limitations of the present study. Ezek f tmi a korltozsokat, amelyek tlmutatnak a jelen tanulmny. In the following discussion, therefore, I will concentrate on examining the evidence of a possible transition having occurred from light to heavier cavalry in the Ilkhanid army within the period covered by this work (1260-81). A kvetkez megbeszls, ezrt fogok koncentrlni vizsglja a bizonytkokat egy esetleges tmeneti bekvetkezett knny a nehezebb lovassg a Ilkhanid hadsereg bell al ezt a munkt (1260-81).

I must say from the outset that within this narrow framework I am not in full agreement with Professor Martinez's conclusions. Azt kell mondanom, a kezdetektl fogva, hogy e szk keretek nem vagyok teljes mrtkben egyetrt professzor Martinez kvetkeztetseit. One shortcoming of his study is the lack of a discussion of the battle of 'Ayn Jalut. Az egyik hinyossg a dolgozszobjban van, hogy nincs vita a csata "Ayn Jalut. Taking this battle into consideration, we can see that the following statement cannot be made: Ezen csatban figyelembe, lthatjuk, hogy a kvetkez kijelentst nem lehet tenni:

The battle of Elbistan [ie, Abulustayn in 675/1277 - RA] is significant because it marks a further stage in the development of tactical weight by the Il-Xanid army. A csata Elbistan [azaz Abulustayn a 675/1277 - RA] is jelents, mert j, a fejlesztsi szakaszban a taktikai tmeg az Il-Xanid hadsereg. During it, for the first time, Il-Xanid Mongol forces charged the Mamluk calvary [sic] and dismounted to receive their attack and to subject the onrushing enemy cavalry to an intensive barrage of projectile fire. Alatt, mert az els alkalom, hogy Il-Xanid mongol erket terheli a Mamluk Calvary [sic] s leszllt, hogy a tmadst, s figyelemmel a onrushing ellensges lovassg az intenzv duzzasztgtjig lvedket tzet. However, that the Mongols had not yet achieved sufficient weight is evident from the thoroughness of their defeat... Azonban, hogy a mongolok mg nem elegend slyt elrni az nyilvnval az alapossg a veresg ...

It has been clearly shown that the Mongols attacked first at 'Ayn Jalut, so this cannot be taken as an indication of any development within the Ilkhanid army. Ez egyrtelmen mutatja, hogy a mongolok megtmadtk elszr "Ayn Jalut, gy ezt nem lehet tenni, mint annak a jelt semmilyen fejlds a Ilkhanid hadsereg. If anything, there are clear indications that this was standard Mongol practice. Ha brmi van egyrtelm, hogy ez a szabvny Mongol gyakorlatban. In addition, it has also been seen above that dismounting was a tactic used by the Mongols as early as their conflict with the Khwarazam-shah Jalal al-Din, so this too cannot be taken as evidence for a change of tactics and equipment. Ezenkvl azt is ltta, hogy a fenti dismounting volt a taktika, amelyet az mongolok mr azok ellenttesek a Khwarazam-sah Jalal al-Din, ez tl nem lehet bizonytk, hogy mdostani a taktikk s berendezsek. Finally, the "thoroughness of their defeat" was probably due to the fact that the relatively small Mongol force was facing almost the entire Mamluk army. Vgl, a "alapossgnak a veresg" volt az oka, hogy a viszonylag kis ltszm mongol hatlyos nz szinte az egsz Mamluk hadsereg. Several reservations were raised in chapter 8 regarding Professor Martinez's reconstruction and analysis of the second battle of Homs. Szmos fenntarts merlt fel a 8. fejezetet a professzor Martinez rekonstrukcis s elemzse, a msodik csata Homs. There too, it was shown that there is little basis for the claim that the Ilkhanid army was in the midst of a deliberate reorganization on a massive scale. Ott is azt mutatja, hogy kevs a alapjn az az llts, hogy a hadsereg Ilkhanid a kzepn szndkos tszervezs a tmeges mretekben.

Professor Martinez discusses one other battle which falls within the timespan of my study, although it is outside its purview: the battle of Herat between Abagha and Baraq in 668/1270 (not 1269 as Martinez writes). Professzor Martinez trgyalja egy csatban esik az id alatt a dolgozszobmban, br kvl terjedelem: a csata Herat kztti Abagha s Baraq a 668/1270 (nem 1269, mint rja, Martinez). I will limit myself to several brief comments on his discussion. n magam is a hatrrtk tbb rvid megjegyzsek a vitt. First, Martinez mainly bases his reconstruction on Sayf-i Harawi's Ta'rikh-nama-i harat and to a lesser extent on Wassaf's history. Elszr is, Martinez alapjait fknt a rekonstrukci a Sayf-i Harawi's Ta'rikh-nama-i harat s kisebb mrtkben a Wassaf trtnetben. A look at Rashid al-Din as well as the Mamluk sources might lead to a different reconstruction." Second, the battle was fought well to the south of Herat, on an open plain, and not "outside the town of Herat," with the associated implications which Martinez makes. Thirdly, although the Mongol elite guard, the bahadurs, may well have carried spears or lances of some type, as Wassaf suggests, there is no indication that this is something new. It is possible that the Mongol imperial guard - either of the Qa'an or the various khans - had long carried lances; [Plano Carpini, writing in the 1240s, reports that some of the Mongol troops had "lances which have a hook in the iron neck, and with this, if they can, they wll drag a man from his saddle."] it certainly seems that these troops had more sophisticated arms or armor than the average Mongol. The presence of such troops at the battle of Herat cannot be seen as a tactical shift of the whole Mongol army. Fourthly, here - as at the second battle of Homs - Martinez may be overestimating the importance of the Georgian contingent at Herat. We have no idea what was the size of this unit, and what exact role it played. [The evidence of the Georgian Chronicle edited by Brosset cannot be taken too seriously, as this source tends to exaggerate the importance of the Georgian contribution to the Mongol war effort.] In this connection, it is worth citing the words of Dr. Bedrosian: Egy pillants Rashid al-Din, valamint a forrsok Mamluk vezethet a klnbz jjptsi. "Msrszt a csata volt, jl kzdtt, hogy a dl-Herat, nylt sima, s nem" kls vros Herat, "a A kapcsold kvetkezmnyeket Martinez teszi. Harmadszor, br a mongol elit r, a bahadurs is jl vgzett Spears vagy lndzsa nhny tpusra, mivel Wassaf sugallja, nincs jele annak, hogy ez valami j. Elkpzelhet, hogy a mongol birodalmi r - vagy a Qa'an vagy a klnbz khans - rgta folytatott lndzsa [Plano Carpini, rsban, a 1240s, jelentsek, hogy a mongol csapatok, hogy "lndzsa amelyek egy kamp a vas-nyak, s ez, ha lehet, akkor wll hzza az ember a sajt htas. "] gy tnik, hogy ezek a csapatok mr sokkal kifinomultabb fegyver vagy pncl, mint az tlagos mongol. Az ilyen csapatok a csata Herat nem ltott taktikai toldsval az egsz mongol sereget. Negyedszer, itt - mint a msodik csata Homs - Martinez is tlbecslik annak fontossgt, hogy a grz kontingenst a Herat. Fogalmunk sincs, mi volt, mint ez az egysg, s mi a pontos szerepet jtszott. [ A bizonytk a grz Krnika szerkesztette Brosset nem lehet tl komolyan venni, mivel ez a forrs hajlamos tlzol annak fontossgt, hogy a grz hozzjrulst a mongol hbors erfesztsekhez.] E tekintetben rdemes a szt Dr. Bedrosian:

Because the Mongols considered their subject people expendable, they usually designated them as advance attackers. Mivel a mongolok tekinteni, hogy az emberek figyelemmel felldozhat, ltalban kijellt ket elre a tmadkat. This was not, as the History of K'art'li and Grigor Aknerc'i would have us believe, because the Armeno- Georgian troops were such excellent warriors, but first precisely because the Caucasians were expendable and second, because desertion was impossible with foreign troops fighting in front or in detachments surrounded by Mongols. Ez nem volt, mivel a trtnet K'art'li s Grigor Aknerc'i azt gondolja, mert a Armeno-grz csapatok ilyen kivl harcosok, de az els, pontosan azrt, mert a kaukzusiak is felldozhat, msrszt azrt, mert lehetetlen volt a szks klfldi csapatok elleni harc eltt vagy detachments krlvett mongolok.

Induls: 2008-11-28


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